Grieving the “Loss” of Divorce

I recently came across this article on, here’s an except and a link to the article.


Grieving the “Loss” of Divorce
By Jackie Black, Ph.D

Divorce is one of the biggest loss events in life.

There are three important things to remember:

1. Grief is the reaction to a loss event;
2. Grieving is the normal, natural, and necessary process that restores us to wholeness;
3. Grieving is a wholly feeling experience.

Grieving is as unique as your fingerprints.

No two people will react to the experience of divorce in the same way and no two people will grieve the same way.

The cognitive or thinking part of self is not the grieving part of self. Think of your personal energy as being 100%. In a perfect world, 50% of your personal energy is your outside-self and 50% of your personal energy is your inside-self.

The job of the outside-self is to think, assess, evaluate, make decisions, go to work, pay your bills, read the paper, plan for your future, remember to send your mother a birthday card; behaviors that occur outside of you.


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